


How to guess unichain mainnet genesis?

What we have?#

What we want to achieve?#

A working unichain RPC node, In this article, we only focus on how to guess the correct genesis-l2.json file, making the block 0 has correct blockhash=0x3425162ddf41a0a1f0106d67b71828c9a9577e6ddeb94e4f33d2cde1fdc3befe


1. Fix block data#

first, let's get the block and check the difference

download the testnet genesis, naming it to genesis-l2.json.bak

import os
os.environ["RPC"] = ""
from simplebase import *

b=eth_getBlockByNumber(RPC, 0, True)

>>> pprint({i:j for i,j in b.items() if i in g and b[i]!=g[i]})
{'nonce': '0x0000000000000000', 'timestamp': '0x67291fc7'}

Fix the above two differences, and note that config.chainId should also be changed to 130 (mainnet chainId).

2. Fix known contract code and data#

Now let's fix alloc, observing the alloc struct:

    "420000000000000000000000000000000000002f": {
      "code": "0x60806040526004...",
      "storage": {
        "0xb53127684a568b3173ae13b9f8a6016e243e63b6e8ee1178d6a717850b5d6103": "0x0000000000000000000000004200000000000000000000000000000000000018"
      "balance": "0x0"

Key is contract addr without 0x prefix, and value has code, storage dict, balance, and nonce.
I guess the balance and nonce wont be different, so querying storage and code, find the mismatching one and replace:

import os
os.environ["RPC"] = ""
from simplebase import *

def cached_simple_rpccall(rpc, method, params, cacheprefix=""):
    cachekey = hashlib.sha256(f"{rpc}_{method}_{json.dumps(params)}".encode()).hexdigest()
    cachefile = f"__pycache__/cached_simple_rpccall{cacheprefix}_{cachekey}"
    if os.path.isfile(cachefile):
        return json.load(open(cachefile))
    res = simple_rpccall(rpc, method, params)
    open(cachefile, "w").write(json.dumps(res))
    return res

if 1:
    g = json.load(open("genesis-l2.json.bak"))
    known = set()
    for addr,v in g["alloc"].items():
        addr = "0x"+addr
        cache = "-".join([v[i] for i in sorted(v.keys()) if i!="storage"])
        if "storage" in v:
            cache += json.dumps(v["storage"])
        if cache in known:
        #print(v.keys()) code,balance,storage,nonce
        if "code" in v:
            #realcode = eth_getCode(RPC, addr)
            realcode = cached_simple_rpccall(RPC, "eth_getCode", [addr, "0x0"])
            if v["code"]==realcode:
                print("ok code", addr)
                print("ERROR code:", addr, len(v["code"]), "=>", len(realcode))
                g["alloc"][addr[2:]]["code"] = realcode
                if cache in known:
        if "storage" in v:
            for s_slot, s_value in v["storage"].items():
                #realvalue = eth_getStorageAt(RPC, addr, s_slot, height=0)
                realvalue = int(cached_simple_rpccall(RPC, "eth_getStorageAt", [addr, s_slot, "0x0"]), 16)
                if realvalue==int(s_value, 16):
                    print("ok storage", addr, s_slot)
                    print("ERROR storage:", addr, s_slot, int(s_value, 16), "=>", realvalue)
                    g["alloc"][addr[2:]]["storage"][s_slot] = "%064x"%(realvalue)
                    if cache in known:
    open("genesis-l2.json", "w").write(json.dumps(g))

As both testnet and mainnet using opstack, the most of contract should have the same address,code, and storage. So we adopt a cache mechanism, if many contracts have the exact same value in the testnet genesis, it's likely they will have the same value in mainnet.

3. Find missing contracts#

After running the above code, we find two contract that appears in the testnet, but mainnet do not have code or storage, so these 2 keys should be removed:

  • 0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f
  • 0x1f98431c8ad98523631ae4a59f267346ea31f984

Searching these addrs show they are UniV2Factory and UniV3Factory, respectively.

Looking at explorer verified contract page ( ), we spot a UniV2Factory contract that has unique contract address:

So we're inspired to check neighbor contract addrs and find these contracts are also pre-deployed:


The latter two have not been verified, but from the emitted events, we can guess it's UniV3 and UniV4 contract, so let's add these 3 addrs to our genesis-l2.json.bak.

The storage slot number can be guessed from contract source code analysis, debug trace of mainnet deploy, or simply eth_getStorageAt calling for slot 0~10.

    "1f98400000000000000000000000000000000002": {
      "code": "0x",
      "storage": {
        "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001": "0x0000000000000000000000009b64f6e1d60032f5515bd167346cfcd2162ee73a"
      "balance": "0x0"
    "1f98400000000000000000000000000000000003": {
      "code": "0x",
      "storage": {
        "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003": "0x0000000000000000000000009b64f6e1d60032f5515bd167346cfcd2162ee73a",
        "0x083fc81be30b6287dea23aa60f8ffaf268f507cdeac82ed9644e506b59c54ff0": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
        "0x72dffa9b822156d9cf4b0090fa0b656bcb9cc2b2c60eb6acfc20a34f54b31743": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003c",
        "0x8cc740d51daa94ff54f33bd779c2d20149f524c340519b49181be5a08615f829": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c8",
        "0xfb8cf1d12598d1a039dd1d106665851a96aadf67d0d9ed76fceea282119208b7": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a"
      "balance": "0x0"
    "1f98400000000000000000000000000000000004": {
      "code": "0x",
      "storage": {
        "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "0x0000000000000000000000009b64f6e1d60032f5515bd167346cfcd2162ee73a"
      "balance": "0x0"

The detailed value does not matter, and the above code will fetch them from the RPC and replace to correct value.

After these steps, we're still getting wrong blockhash.

4. eth_getProof to confirm storage correctness#

How can we know more detail of the genesis block? debug_traceBlock RPC method does support genesis block.

Inspecting all available RPC methods, we can find this eth_getProof, which can output accountProof, balance, codeHash, nonce, storageHash and storageProof.

By iterating all known addrs calling eth_getProof, we can find all known addrs have correct balance, codeHash, nonce, storageHash, but wrong accountProof, this means there're still contracts missing from the genesis.

5. Continue searching for missing contracts#

Inspecting all APIs provided by blockscout, we can find this Get a list of contracts , it can return all contract addrs:

Filtering this output by calling eth_getCode using 0 block number, we find 4 missing addrs:

  • 0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30001
  • 0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30002
  • 0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30003
  • 0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30004

Using simple eth_getStorageAt to find the first 200 slots, we successfully find the correct storage value for the first 3, but the last one is still wrong even it's first 200 slots all zero.

g = json.load(open("api?module=contract&action=listcontracts&offset=10000"))
for addr in ["0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30001", "0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30002", "0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30003", "0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30004"]:
    if not addr.startswith("0x"):
        addr = "0x"+addr
    addr = addr.lower()
    truth = cached_simple_rpccall(RPC, "eth_getProof", [addr, [], "0x0"])
    our = cached_simple_rpccall(OUR_PRC, "eth_getProof", [addr, [], "0x0"], cacheprefix="test2")
    #[i==our['accountProof'][idx] for idx,i in enumerate(truth['accountProof'])]
    #if not all([truth['balance']==our['balance'], truth['codeHash']==our['codeHash'], truth['nonce']==our['nonce'], truth['storageHash']==our['storageHash']]):
    if 1:
        print(truth['balance'], truth['codeHash'], truth["nonce"], truth["storageHash"])
        print(addr, truth['balance']==our['balance'], truth['codeHash']==our['codeHash'], truth['nonce']==our['nonce'], truth['storageHash']==our['storageHash'], )

Now we use eth_getProof specifying slots, and find this contract indeed have storage, as empty contract wont return storageProof.

5. Reverse engineering the contract#

Using dedaub to decompile 0x4300c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d3c0d30004, and manually format:

// Decompiled by
// 2024.11.17 14:07 UTC
// Compiled using the solidity compiler version 0.8.26

// Data structures and variables inferred from the use of storage instructions
uint256 _receive; // STORAGE[0x0]
mapping (address => uint256) storage1; // STORAGE[0x1]
mapping (address => uint256) _earnedFees; // STORAGE[0x2]
mapping (address => struct_313) _balanceOf; // STORAGE[0x3]

struct struct_313 { address addr; uint256 amount; };

// Events
Withdrawn(address, address, uint256);

function 0x396cb597(address varg0) public nonPayable { 
    require( - 4 >= 32);
    return _balanceOf[varg0].addr;

function balanceOf(address account) public nonPayable { 
    require( - 4 >= 32);
    return _balanceOf[account].amount;

function 0xc13886a4(address varg0, address varg1) public nonPayable { 
    require(_balanceOf[varg0].addr == msg.sender, Unauthorized());
    _balanceOf[varg0].addr = varg1;
    emit 0xf0476b1621059e9b7a94b31f4699ab07974f87c8e31db4cb9ad1f9892eb9b169(varg0, _balanceOf[varg0].addr, varg1);

function 0xc6743555(address contract1, address contract2, address owner2, uint256 amt) public nonPayable { 
    _balanceOf[contract2].addr = owner2;
    _balanceOf[contract2].amount = 0;
    emit 0xf0476b1621059e9b7a94b31f4699ab07974f87c8e31db4cb9ad1f9892eb9b169(contract2, 0, owner2);
    0x6de(amt, contract2, contract1);
      //require(msg.sender == _balanceOf[contract1].addr, Unauthorized());

function recipients(address varg0) public nonPayable { 
    return _balanceOf[varg0].addr, _balanceOf[varg0].amount;

function earnedFees(address addr) public nonPayable { 
    return _earnedFees[addr] + (_balanceOf[addr].amount * (_receive - storage1[addr])) /1e30;

function receive() public payable { 
    _receive += msg.value * 1e26;

function 0x6de(uint256 varg0, uint256 varg1, uint256 varg2) private { 
    require(msg.sender == _balanceOf[address(varg2)].addr, Unauthorized());
    require(0 - varg0);
    require(_balanceOf[address(varg2)].amount >= varg0, InsufficientAllocation());
    v0 = _SafeSub(_balanceOf[address(varg2)].amount, varg0);
    _balanceOf[address(varg2)].amount = v0;
    v1 = _SafeAdd(_balanceOf[address(varg1)].amount, varg0);
    _balanceOf[address(varg1)].amount = v1;
    emit 0x4c6e7131fb69f3c2cc88b05b76a7aa4809429fefa284dda9cf14884d25e3742b(msg.sender, address(varg2), address(varg1), varg0);
    return ;

function updateState(addr) private { 
    _earnedFees[addr] += (_receive - storage1[addr])* _balanceOf[addr].amount /1e30 ;
    storage1[addr] = _receive;

function 0x976(address varg0) private { 
    v0 = _SafeSub(_receive, storage1[varg0]);
    v1 = _SafeMul(_balanceOf[varg0].amount, v0);
    v2 = _SafeDiv(v1, 10 ** 30);
    return v2;

function transferAllocation(address varg0, address varg1, uint256 amt) public nonPayable { 
    //0x6de(uint256 varg0, uint256 varg1, uint256 varg2) 0x6de(varg2, varg1, varg0);
    require(msg.sender == _balanceOf[varg0].addr, Unauthorized());
    require(_balanceOf[varg0].amount >= amt, InsufficientAllocation());
    _balanceOf[varg0].amount -= amt;
    _balanceOf[address(varg1)].amount += amt;
    emit 0x4c6e7131fb69f3c2cc88b05b76a7aa4809429fefa284dda9cf14884d25e3742b(msg.sender, varg0, address(varg1), amt);

function withdrawFees(address account_) public nonPayable { 
    if (_earnedFees[msg.sender]) {
        _earnedFees[msg.sender] = 0;
        v0, /* uint256 */ v1 =[msg.sender]).gas(msg.gas);
        require(v0, WithdrawalFailed());
    emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, account_, _earnedFees[msg.sender]);
    return _earnedFees[msg.sender];

// Note: The function selector is not present in the original solidity code.
// However, we display it for the sake of completeness.

function __function_selector__() private { 
    MEM[64] = 128;
    if ( < 4) {
    } else if (0xc13886a4 >[0] >> 224) {
        if (0x24e2c06 ==[0] >> 224) {
        } else if (0x164e68de ==[0] >> 224) {
        } else if (0x396cb597 ==[0] >> 224) {
        } else {
            require(0x70a08231 ==[0] >> 224);
    } else if (0xc13886a4 ==[0] >> 224) {
    } else if (0xc6743555 ==[0] >> 224) {
    } else if (0xeb820312 ==[0] >> 224) {
    } else {
        require(0xfeb7219d ==[0] >> 224);

We can guess the functionality is revenue split, there're contract address=>owner address mapping, owner can transfer weight, and total weight is 10000.

6. Guess the slot#

The storageProof is a merkle tree, each leaf node is sha3(slot) and rlp-encoded value, and the prefix is reference by the above branch node. So we can use eth_getProof to query some prefix to get the full tree. The first item of proof is always the root, decoding it we can find it has 4 childs among 16 possible ones. For example, by querying the storageProof of slot 2, we can get the proof of child prefix 4, as sha3(toarg(2))=405787fa12a823e0f2b7631cc41b3ba8828b3321ca811111fa75cd3aa3bb5ace.

let {toBytes,bytesToHex}=require("@ethereumjs/util")
const { utils } = require('ethers');

> decodeNode(toBytes("0xf891808080a0464322c988da3ad6becee03210d007812970a011da4ce89d63d7a8c7c46dd349a047213c020d0419fb3c2273dcddab7cb42ad2614cfd1042c358b5219d4d66d472808080a0937ec93a69abccbf4d7348457eb2e55ed59b568bc212aeb125abf3aee59cc897808080a0aa4ecc3c019aa37691f5cb2cf11822f456ce443b292d228219f1fb29502d104f80808080"))
BranchNode {
  _branches: [
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
   3 Uint8Array(32) [ 0x464322c988da3ad6becee03210d007812970a011da4ce89d63d7a8c7c46dd349 => v="0xf7a030efa3127a31b746c4ade29f2dc3d63d735226f92c8b5c62f93844e730e5387595943fcbacd76037534d2aaeb9a17f4e631dd64fbe31"
  key = 0x30efa3127a31b746c4ade29f2dc3d63d735226f92c8b5c62f93844e730e53875
  key = sha3(sha3(toarg(0x3fcbacd76037534d2aaeb9a17f4e631dd64fbe31)+toarg(3)))
       70,  67,  34, 201, 136, 218,  58, 214,
      190, 206, 224,  50,  16, 208,   7, 129,
       41, 112, 160,  17, 218,  76, 232, 157,
       99, 215, 168, 199, 196, 109, 211,  73
   4 Uint8Array(32) [ 0x47213c020d0419fb3c2273dcddab7cb42ad2614cfd1042c358b5219d4d66d472 => v="0xe5a03d2849548fa0011234fd0669e617f5df1374a0d525b71bedec3d14dd02bf7f9b83821db0"
   key = 0x4d2849548fa0011234fd0669e617f5df1374a0d525b71bedec3d14dd02bf7f9b  bytesToHex(nibblestoBytes([4].concat(decodeNode(toBytes(v)).key())))
   key = sha3("%040x"%(int(sha3(toarg(0x3fcbacd76037534d2aaeb9a17f4e631dd64fbe31)+toarg(3)),16)+1))
   value = 7600 utils.decodeRlp(bytesToHex(decodeNode(toBytes(v)).value()))
      71,  33,  60,   2,  13,   4,  25, 251,
      60,  34, 115, 220, 221, 171, 124, 180,
      42, 210,  97,  76, 253,  16,  66, 195,
      88, 181,  33, 157,  77, 102, 212, 114
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
   8 Uint8Array(32) [ 0x937ec93a69abccbf4d7348457eb2e55ed59b568bc212aeb125abf3aee59cc897 => 0xf7a0328a4924e9ba234119f26396d33bbebdcb65d7af957d59f814558268b1c8e69a9594ae85bbb6c1c1807a64a88f1a1f978740c8a0dba0
Node key=0x828a4924e9ba234119f26396d33bbebdcb65d7af957d59f814558268b1c8e69a [8, 2,  8, 10,  4,  9,  2,  4, 14,  9, 11, 10,  2,3,  4,  1,  1,  9, 15,  2,  6,  3,  9,  6, 13,3,  3, 11, 11, 14, 11, 13, 12, 11,  6,  5, 13,7, 10, 15,  9,  5,  7, 13,  5,  9, 15,  8,  1,4,  5,  5,  8,  2,  6,  8, 11,  1, 12,  8, 14,6,  9, 10],
key = sha3(sha3(toarg(0xae85bbb6c1c1807a64a88f1a1f978740c8a0dba0)+toarg(3)))
value = > utils.decodeRlp(bytesToHex(decodeNode(toBytes("0xf7a0328a4924e9ba234119f26396d33bbebdcb65d7af957d59f814558268b1c8e69a9594ae85bbb6c1c1807a64a88f1a1f978740c8a0dba0")).value()))
      147, 126, 201,  58, 105, 171, 204,
      191,  77, 115,  72,  69, 126, 178,
      229,  94, 213, 155,  86, 139, 194,
       18, 174, 177,  37, 171, 243, 174,
      229, 156, 200, 151
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
   12 Uint8Array(32) [ 0xaa4ecc3c019aa37691f5cb2cf11822f456ce443b292d228219f1fb29502d104f => v="0xe5a03112f27f422905a81edb239837dddce63ac33c22d7066f8b0d9d4e00afc6650d83820960"
   key = 0xc112f27f422905a81edb239837dddce63ac33c22d7066f8b0d9d4e00afc6650d bytesToHex(nibblestoBytes([12].concat(decodeNode(toBytes(v)).key())))
   value = 0x0960=2400 utils.decodeRlp(bytesToHex(decodeNode(toBytes(v)).value()))
      170,  78, 204, 60,   1, 154, 163, 118,
      145, 245, 203, 44, 241,  24,  34, 244,
       86, 206,  68, 59,  41,  45,  34, 130,
       25, 241, 251, 41,  80,  45,  16,  79
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) [],
    Uint8Array(0) []
  _value: Uint8Array(0) []

Finally, we get the all 4 missing slots, involving two addrs: 0xae85bbb6c1c1807a64a88f1a1f978740c8a0dba0 0x3fcbacd76037534d2aaeb9a17f4e631dd64fbe31, and stored in mapping slot3 and +1 (struct)

  • sha3(toarg(0xae85bbb6c1c1807a64a88f1a1f978740c8a0dba0)+toarg(3)) = f42505e4cfab5287d35a1886da3b550274dafd60099332aaa2a1f2edb64366e0 => 828a4924e9ba234119f26396d33bbebdcb65d7af957d59f814558268b1c8e69a
  • sha3(toarg(0xae85bbb6c1c1807a64a88f1a1f978740c8a0dba0)+toarg(3))+1 = f42505e4cfab5287d35a1886da3b550274dafd60099332aaa2a1f2edb64366e1 => c112f27f422905a81edb239837dddce63ac33c22d7066f8b0d9d4e00afc6650d
  • sha3(toarg(0x3fcbacd76037534d2aaeb9a17f4e631dd64fbe31)+toarg(3)) = 6499618908e6c3bd1552bf01e251de0ec9ec985e74571d0b89e1b71c4e49dc7c => 30efa3127a31b746c4ade29f2dc3d63d735226f92c8b5c62f93844e730e53875
  • sha3(toarg(0x3fcbacd76037534d2aaeb9a17f4e631dd64fbe31)+toarg(3))+1 = 6499618908e6c3bd1552bf01e251de0ec9ec985e74571d0b89e1b71c4e49dc7d => 4d2849548fa0011234fd0669e617f5df1374a0d525b71bedec3d14dd02bf7f9b
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.